This is not an official U.S. government website

About Us

More than eleven years in development, the Roll of Honor allows the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces to display their military service, in the form of a graphical display of their rank, decorations, badges, occupation specialties, combat and humanitarian deployments, and special skills.

This online directory is available to the public and enables them to learn about their relatives, friends, neighbors and some of America’s greatest heroes – what they accomplished, what challenges they faced, and the lives they lived and are living in service to our country. The Roll of Honor is intended to provide a positive educational experience for youth, students, and families. By clicking on interactive elements of a Member’s web page, they can get a more complete picture of a member’s military service.

As visitors navigate through the Roll of Honor, they will become more familiar with the military history of their country. Individual service men and women can see their service in the context of a larger story of America’s defense of her freedoms. Families can feel pride in knowing that their relatives who served had important parts to play in America’s history. Young men and women considering national service will see the military as a viable option to contribute to their country in an essential way.

The Roll of Honor was developed and is maintained by the Roll of Honor Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization committed to honoring those who have stepped forward to protect our freedoms and make this a better country for us all.

This project is constantly evolving, expanding broader and digging deeper into the vast U.S. military experience. Through member contributions and dialogue, the Roll of Honor continues to include more elements of the American military service since 1776 and through last week. We invite you to participate by providing your feedback, suggestions, and corrections by using the online form.



We have developed a special edition of the Roll of Honor to serve as a “virtual memorial” connected with the World War I National Memorial being built in Washington DC ( This will allow descendants of World War I participants to honor their ancestors, tell their stories, and contribute to the building of the memorial in their name.

Board of Directors

  • Pamela Conn, Producer/Director, Academy Award Winner
  • LTC Steven Fischer (USA. Ret.), President & CEO, Arrowhead Strategies
  • Hon. Mark Kirk (USNR, Ret.), former US Senator (IL)
  • Glenn Lebowitz, President, KG Investments
  • Dorothy McCracken, President & CEO, Arcadian Partners
  • Jerry Michaud, Executive Director, Roll of Honor Foundation
  • Pat Nicklin, Executive Vice President, Reingold, Inc.
  • Nick Prinsloo, President & CEO, Istetix Web Services


View the Roll of Honor Foundation Brochure